Because of the infrequent and low paid nature of the work, house sitting does not appeal to anyone looking for a regular living wage or for temporary accommodation. Though age is no barrier, most of our Guardians have already retired from their business or professional lives and are using house sitting as an enjoyable change of scene for a couple of weeks, four or five times a year (depending on where they live), usually in the company of dogs, cats or other animals. It is also a chance for them to top up their income. You need to be fit, have your own car, be able to look after pets (e.g. dogs and cats), be a non-smoker, have a permanent home in the UK, and be able to demonstrate your suitability for this kind of work as you go through our assessment and vetting procedures. If the idea appeals to you, please complete the form below and we will email you an application form.
Alternatively you can call us on 01394 450865 during working hours.
We are registered to process personal data and all information will be treated in strictest confidence.
Please note: We do not operate in Northern Ireland and thus do not require
any guardians from this region. Please also note that we do NOT take on people who are self-employed.
To read the full Terms and Conditions of employment, please click here.